Mark Sherman is a true "Renaissance soul," with a variety of
interests and accomplishments.
He has a PhD in Psychology from Harvard
University, taught psychology at SUNY New Paltz for over 25 years, and
published a book and many articles on gender issues. He also was a New
Paltz town councilman from 1988-1991. But humor and song have always
been very important to him. He has written a humor column for the New
Paltz Times for over 20 years, and has written and performed his very
funny (and sometimes playfully adult) songs in all kinds of venues.
A collection of 36 of his columns is now available in a book,
Real Men Don't Write Columns, and a CD of a sold-out show he gave at
Unison Arts in New Paltz, New York has just been released. Titled
Please, Professor, it's 15 funny songs, lots of comedic commentary, and
one serious song just so people don't get terminally hysterical.
Real Men Don't Write Columns
Thirty-six of his best columns, from the
Huguenot Herald and the New Paltz Times.
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Read some of Mark's recent columns
New CD!...
Please, Professor
and other Funny Songs
and Psychological Psilliness.
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New MP3!...
You Can Get Your Woman to Heaven
another song written and recorded by Mark Sherman.
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